Spirit Leve Success Logo

Gentle transformation for women and men with high success on the outside
and low spirit on the inside

A simple, effective, repeatable and sustainable system for reducing anxiety and
re-balancing self-esteem and sense of self-worth - any time, every time.


I’m heartbroken and I’m grieving. Yet no-one has died.

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 26, 2019

But my grief and loss is very real all the same. It’s tempting to distract myself. But I know from bitter experience that when you don’t feel it, you don’t process it. And when you don’t process it, it can stick around for a very long time. Two of my best friends are just about […]

What a brilliant idea to help those experiencing dementia or other mental health challenges…

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 24, 2019

– sensory-based, immersive experiences to reconnect you with hidden memories. I read today about a care home in Birmingham where most of the residents have dementia. They have recreated a living, useable street that has the look and feel of the 1950’s. Here is the BBC article. When you get there, all of your senses […]

I love a good metaphor!

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 19, 2019

It’s a brilliant way to get a point across. And it’s easier to relate to and remember than a list of facts and figures. So, here goes. When did you last stop and look down so you could take in the view from whatever mountain you are climbing, to see how far you have come? […]

What’s the most inspirational or motivational quote that guides you through life?

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 17, 2019

One of my favourite inspirational quotes is by Liv Lane; “You Are Enough. Not because you did or said or thought or bought or became or created something special. But because…. You Always Were.” It helps me get grounded when I need it, and at the same time, it inspires me to be myself and […]

Do you ever notice naturally occurring shapes? I love spotting one in particular when I’m out and about.

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 14, 2019

And it’s rare to find them occurring naturally. Hearts. This probably all started when my children were small and they were learning about different shapes and colours at school. We’d walk around our village looking for anything that was red or blue, or we’d see who could find the most circles or squares or other […]

Spirit Level Success

What do you do when you fall down?

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 12, 2019

Life is all about learning. Successful people don’t give up at the first hurdle. Or the second or third or even the fourth. They keep going. Again. And again. And again. Part of learning any new skill is about keeping going even when the going gets tough. It’s about learning from your ‘mistakes’ and treating […]

The Three Big Lies according to Henri Nouwen;

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 10, 2019

I am what I have I am what I do I am what other people say about me. Your true identity comes from within. It comes from a deep connection to yourself. Not from anything that is outside of you. There are so many beautiful souls out there who appear to have little, yet live […]

Spirit Level Success

As we celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay2019, I have a vital question for you.

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 5, 2019

The theme for this year’s United Nations Annual 5th June awareness-raising day is Air Pollution, this year being hosted by China. The strains on our EXTERNAL World are well documented. Hopefully with more shifts in awareness, policy and action there will be a possibility of saving this beautiful planet for future generations. But what about […]

Have you ever searched for something and not seen what is right in front of your eyes?

By Bernadette Sarginson Jun 3, 2019

Have you ever searched for something and not seen what is right in front of your eyes? I have a pair of reading glasses that I use when I’m on my PC. They stay in the same drawer of my mini filing cabinet that sits on my desk and I always put them back in […]

What are the 3 perfect drying conditions and why should you care?

By Bernadette Sarginson May 29, 2019

What are the 3 perfect drying conditions and why should you care? Hanging out the laundry recently, I got thinking about the 3 perfect drying conditions and how, if any one of them is absent, you get less than satisfactory results. You need; No rain – so clothes don’t get wetter Sunshine – to evaporate […]

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Spirit Leve Success Logo

Gentle transformation for women and men
with high success on the outside
and low spirit on the inside

A simple, effective, repeatable and sustainable system of self-empowerment